Migration in Mind

Migration in Mind

Migration in Mind: Improving access and quality of mental health care for persons in migration in Europe


Compared to general population, persons in migration encounter significantly more adverse life events and experiences that can occur before, during, and after their migration journey, and they are frequently subjected to multiple stressors and traumatic experiences throughout the different stages of their migration. Despite their considerable resilience, the, often, vulnerable situation of individuals in migration can profoundly impact on their mental health, placing them at an increased risk of developing mental health issues.

Various studies and statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that persons in migration disproportionately suffer from mental health issues. Depression rates can reach up to 44% within this population, while the general population sees rates around 12%. (WHO,2018)

At the same time, it is exceedingly difficult for this group of people to access appropriate mental health services.

On one hand, mental health difficulties or issues are often still considered taboo among persons in migration. Shame, stigma, and a lack of knowledge result in many persons in migration not finding the help they need.

On the other hand, insufficient support structures, skills and availability of education tailored to persons in migration specific needs among (mental) health professionals play a crucial role: they often lack adequate time, training, and resources to effectively respond to the mental health care needs of persons in migration.

The outcome: Limited access, low trust in mental health services, insufficiently tailored mental health care for individuals in migration which, together with low mental health awareness, lead to not searching nor finding the help that is needed.


What We Do

The project “Migration in Mind (MinM)”' contributes to change this situation. With the support of the European Union, we seek to improve awareness about mental health, access, and the quality of mental health care for persons in migration. We are collaborating with a consortium of five organizations across four countries: Médecins du Monde - Dokters van de Wereld (MdM-BE) – Belgium and Croatia, TENENET o.z (TENENET o.z) - Slovakia, Médicos del Mundo (MdM-Spain) - Spain, and Udruga Ludruga (Ludruga) - Croatia

Important: The “Migration in Mind” project co-creates solutions that work for persons in migration, focusing not just on designing and adapting services for them but actively involving persons in migration as well as professionals working with this population in the process. By listening to their needs and perceptions, the project ensures that their voices are heard and that solutions are designed to make a meaningful difference.



  • Co-created MHPSS Toolkits for professionals and MHPSS guide for persons in migration: These will be customized for each country, developed in collaboration with persons in migration and professionals. The toolkits will contribute to make mental health support accessible, relevant, and effective.
  • Training and building long-term capacity:Mental health and other professionals will be trained in the latest approaches and tools to better support persons in migration, creating a ripple effect of improved care overall.
  • Piloting intervention:Over 1,000 persons in migration will directly benefit from the project through group sessions, individual consultations, and fieldwork. These pilot tests will refine the toolkits to ensure they truly address the specific challenges persons in migration face in accessing mental health care.
  • Structural changes:Through the project, four inter-sectoral meetings will be conducted with relevant stakeholders to present the project results in order to promote the inclusion of mental health in all policies and scale up the identified best practices. Additionally, these meetings will offer valuable input to refine and adjust the MHPSS toolkits, contributing to the implementation of sustainable results.

The “Migration in Mind- Enhancing Access to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support  (MHPSS) for Persons in Migration” project runs from 2024 to 2027 and is made possible by the support of:

Operational Partners 

Médecins du Monde - Dokters van de Wereld (MdM-BE), Belgija i Hrvatska

Udruga Ludruga (Ludruga), Hrvatska

Médicos del Mundo (MdM-Španjolska), Španjolska

TENENET oz (TENENET oz), Slovačka

Financial Partners 

European union through the granting authority Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and it’s funding programme EU4Health