Bibliotherapy/ Art Therapy in a Ludruga Way
Within the project "Bibliotherapy / Art Therapy in a Ludruga Way" we have organized an art-poetic-musical evening "Shine on You Crazy Diamond". With an exhibition of paintings of Ivan Kerstner and a reading of poetry written by Rajko Šupe, Tony Pavkovic and Ana Šolc and musical accompaniment on the guitar we opened a presentation of programs implemented by the Tresnjevka Cultural Center in Prečko, Zagreb.
In Prečko Library with the same program we have opened an two-week exhibition of Ivan Kerstner's paintings "Shine on You Crazy Diamond". In the exhibition catalog has also been included a collection of impressions on paintings written by our members during the creative workshops.The has been project supported by the City of Zagreb - City Office for Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities.