Unmasking youth mental health
Započeli smo novi projekt s partnerima iz Srbije, Slovenije, Makedonije i Italije.
Ovo je odlična prilika da se međusobno još bolje upoznamo, podijelimo znanja i iskustva i učimo jedni od drugih.
Prijave za prve Treninge u sklopu projekta "Unmasking youth mental health" otvorene su:
Želite li organizirati radionice vezane uz mentalno zdravlje mladih ili imate pitanja i nedoumice vezane uz tu temu, prijavite se na Trening:
Trening je u organizaciji Grupe "Hajde da..." u suradnji s partnerima: Javni zavod Mladi zmaji (Slovenija), Udruga Ludruga (Hrvatska), Giosef Torino - Marti Gianello Guida A.P.S. (Italja) i Association for Educational Development EKVALIS (Severna Makedonija).
Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and North Macedonia. Youth workers from these
countries are trained to think about the mental health of young people.
Trained participants conducted workshops with young people in their local
communities. The workshops dealt with the consequences of the covid pandemic
on the mental health of young people. A document was created which summarize
the experiences of the young people. It also gives us some kind of picture
of how young people understand the field of mental health and do they
currently have any challenges in that segment of life.
The project was co-funded by the Eurropean Union.