A Guide to Creating Community Networks…

A Guide to Creating Community Networks…

Friends Make the Best Medicine: A Guide to Creating Community Mental Health Support Networks


We have briefly outlined a series of ideas to help you gather people together and start exploring all the ingenuity and confusion we bear with us. We hope that these proposals encourage you to begin to talk, yell, scream, dance, create art and work on changing the world around us. We hope you make it just a little less gray, lonely and cold. We hope you find words for all the pieces od yourselves, even those chipped and scarred and we hope that you  can gather them together with the community around you and discover that in fact you are not alone. There are so many of us and we are waiting for you to join us with all your twisted beauty and folly.

1. Version manuals for viewing on the screen
2. Version manuals for printing

(Note: Manual duplex print on A4 size paper, fold and you get A5 booklet for browsing and reading)


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You have a permit and permission to print, copy, connect, internet connections and distribute as many copies as you like - in addition to include the sources, you do not change the contents of the Guide and do not have financial benefits. For other uses, please contact us.