Migration in Mind: Improving access and quality of mental health care for persons in migration in Europe Context Compared to general population, persons in migration encounter significantly more adverse life events and experiences that can occur before, during, and after their migration journey ...
Category: Projects
Migracije na umu: rad na boljem pristupu mentalnom zdravlju za ljude koji su u migraciji Kontekst U usporedbi s općom populacijom, osobe u migraciji susreću se sa znatno više negativnih životnih događaja i iskustava koji se mogu dogoditi prije, tijekom i nakon njihova migracijskog putovanja ...
We started a new project with partners from Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Italy. This is a great opportunity to get to know each other even better, share knowledge and experiences and learn from each other. Applications for the first Training within the project "Unmasking youth m ...
Active Citizens 4 Human Rights is a program that brings together more than 50 organizations working on human rights issues from all Active Citizens Fund countries and Norway. The program runs from March 2021 to March 2022 and consists of monthly online meetings and a final offline event in Oslo, ...
It is the beginning of a New Year. Enthusiasm is growing, ideas are piling up for elaboration, everything is full of possibilities. We, of course, started the New Year with enthusiasm and a new project that is already in full swing: HELP ME TO HELP YOU - POMOZI MI DA POMOGNEM Our partners in the ...
As part of the first activity of our project we networked with as many civil society organisations as possible and advocated the importance of associations still operating in times of crisis. During June and July 2020, we have connected with several student associations and student clubs. We are wor ...
In May 2020, we started implementing the ad hoc action project called "Advocacy and empowerment of people with mental health difficulties, mapping the needs and developing services in the newly created circumstances of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Zagreb earthquake". The pro ...
The group of Mutual Psychic Support "Experts by experience" is held every Monday from 7 pm to 9 pm in the premises of the Prečko Cultural Center. Mutual assistance means listening to and helping each other as a community of Equals. No one in the group is above anyone. No paid pr ...
A peer support group "From a Fellow Sufferer to a Fellow Traveler" has been held continuously for the third year in a row now, every Monday from 7 pm to 9 pm in the premises of the Prečko Cultural Center. As people with experience of mental suffering labeled as "mental illness" are experts by ...
This project was initiated as a result of the Twinning Project, which was conducted from 2016 to 2017 between the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This project, called Ensuring optimal health care for people with mental health disorders identified the need at the state level f ...